The Legacy of Abraham Lincoln
As a printmaker, I use photographic images, photographed ephemera, letters, portraits and primary texts to explore historical moments in order to synthesize new constructions. My work suggests new considerations of what is remembered or, perhaps more pointedly, what we are taught to remember.
Most of this work was conceived during The Legacy of Abraham Lincoln Residency, hosted by the University of Illinois, Springfield.
anchored by Professor Graham Peck and Professor Brytton Bjorngaard. 2022-2023
He Loved Caesar Less than Rome, 22wx30h, lithograph and ink $1450
Slave Stealer, 22wx30h, lithograph, screen, colored pencil and watercolor $1450
Natural Thoughts Away from the Pain, 22wx30h, lithograph with colored pencil $1450
Death and Theater, 30wx66h, lithograph with colored pencil and watercolor $4350
Akimbo Lincoln, 44wx60h, lithograph with pencil $5800
Remnants to Honor the Dead, 22wx30h, lithograph, colored pencil and ink $1450
Lincoln Collage, 22wx30h, lithograph $1450
Kohn's Gift, 22wx30h, lithograph, tracing paper and ink $1450
Interiority, 22wx30h, lithograph $1450
A House Divided 1, 30wx22h, lithograph, pastel and colored pencil $1450
A House Divided 2, 30wx22h, lithograph, pastel and colored pencil $1450
Ideas as Propositions, 22wx30h, lithograph with Swedish paper, colored pencil and watercolor $1450
Two Documents, 30wx22h, lithograph with gold paint $1450
Equal Propositions, 22wx30h, lithograph with Swedish Paper and colored pencil $1450
Abraham and Mary, 22wx60h each, lithographs (SOLD)
He Loved Rome, 22wx30h, lithograph with colored pencil and pastel $1450
Mr. Chinn, 22wx30h, lithograph and ink $1450
War Telegram, 30wx44h, lithograph, Swedish paper, colored pencil an ink $2900
It's Only a Start, 22wx30h, lithograph with ink $1450
Gettysburg, 44wx60h, lithograph with Swedish paper and colored pencil $5800
Ideal War, 22wx30h, lithograph with pencil $1450
King Cotton, 30wx22h, lithograph $1450
Abraham in Springfield,44wx30h, lithograph with gold leaf, pastel and colored pencil $2900
Route of Moses Roper, 30wx22h, lithograph with colored string and pins $1450